Prostitute turns trick, then turns him over to police

  • Mitchell

STANTON - The Stanton street walker from the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex that made headlines in early November has helped send another criminal to jail.

After being detained and questioned about her event filled afternoon at a Stanton residence, the unnamed prostitute provided investigators with enough information to get an arrest warrant for John Gene Mitchell, 55 of Stanton.

Mitchell was charged with solicitation of prostitution, a class B misdemeanor.

However, further investigation unearthed more evidence that allowed the Martin County Sheriff’s Office to obtain a search warrant for Mitchell’s residence. When the warrant was executed by the sheriff’s office, Stanton Police Department and the DEA, a large quantity of narcotics, methamphetamine and a firearm were confiscated from the property.

Mitchell would subsequently be charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and federal charges will be coming as local officials filed with the United States Attorney’s Office because of the amount and type of drugs seized.

Mitchell is currently being held at the Midland County Detention Center because of the federal charges.

Mitchell is the second person that has ended up in jail because of said prostitute.

On Nov. 5, her pimp Felix Nosa Omoruyi, went looking for her at the wrong address. After illegally entering the residence and threatening the home owner, Omoruyi returned to his ho search.

The pair would eventually be spotted in the Stripe’s parking lot where he would be arrested and she would be taken into custody for questioning.

She was released and has not been seen since while Omoruyi remains in the Martin County jail at the Dan Saunder’s Law Enforcement Center.